Let’s All Shout the C-Word!

What C-word? Compliance? No.. Change? Still no.. Communication? Not that either. What then? It is ….


Culture is no longer an optional extra. No longer a box to be ticked in the annual governance audit. No longer something any leader can ignore. Join us as we unveil the world’s only working Culture Magnet©. Learn what helps create a ‘good’ culture, and discover what things dilute your culture! We’ll explain the difference between a ‘culture of compliance’ and a culture that allows clever companies to stand out from the crowd!

Compliance, Culture and Communication. All combined in one Cracking Crowd-pleasing class! 


To find out more

For information on attending the event, the venue or accommodation, contact us on 0123 456 7890 or email someone@wilmingtonhealthcare.com