Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed lacus in enim blandit mattis vitae id dolor. Pellentesque malesuada dolor in ipsum egestas posuere. Proin et diam varius, efficitur purus ut, accumsan purus. In vulputate enim a turpis pulvinar congue. Vivamus sed dolor pretium, iaculis libero non, venenatis arcu. Ut eu rhoncus nisl. Aliquam vitae tempor sem. Donec venenatis nibh at turpis dignissim interdum sit amet ut tellus. Proin aliquam, urna in mollis pellentesque, ex nibh volutpat erat, eget fringilla dolor ante at dolor.

Vestibulum blandit malesuada lacus nec dictum. Donec ac nisl ac justo placerat condimentum. Vestibulum vulputate, massa sit amet venenatis efficitur, nibh justo ultrices velit, in tincidunt mauris arcu a sapien. Aliquam et scelerisque risus. Aliquam non nisl sodales, vulputate lorem in, sollicitudin libero. Praesent sed velit nunc. Pellentesque lorem velit, tristique at felis eu, egestas varius lorem. Cras hendrerit condimentum tellus, id ultricies eros vulputate vel. Phasellus ultricies sapien sem, pulvinar malesuada neque hendrerit eu. Curabitur vel mi scelerisque, dapibus sapien laoreet, iaculis metus.

Our Audience

Over the two days of the Congress and the Patient Safety Awards, which take place on the evening of the first day, you gain access to:

  • Directors of Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, Risk & Governance
  • A clinical audience of senior nurses, consultants and other medical staff
  • National and international leaders in the field of patient safety and quality improvement

Our Format

Congress, Awards and themed exhibition has many benefits for our partners:

  • Two days of extensive networking with decision makers
  • Meaningful conversations with delegates enabling you to explain how your solutions can help them achieve better patient outcomes
  • The exhibition focuses on 30-40 market leading companies, those at the cutting edge of innovation and who are serious about patient safety and quality improvement
  • A themed exhibition means delegates can easily find our partners and start a dialogue, they don’t have to wade through dozens of stands to appropriate solutions


  • Exhibiting: our delegates want to see and discuss real products and solutions to their patient safety challenges
  • Speaking: a variety speaking options on the conference programme and in lunchtime or roundtable sessions
  • Editorial in HSJ: to reach an audience beyond attendees
  • Awards: to network with VIP delegates and speakers

To find out more

For information on attending the event, the venue or accommodation, contact us on 0123 456 7890 or email someone@wilmingtonhealthcare.com